Monday, May 9, 2011

Strawberry Apple Salad

Fruit and leafy greens taste amazing with each other. Who knew?!

One thing that I LOVE to create are Salads. When you are asked to bring a salad to a dinner party...and you think, "salad: lettuce, tomato, croutons etc." It doesn't stop there. Keep going...what else can you put in a salad?

Some veggies that are great in all salads (both with fruit or just veggies): Bell Peppers, English Cucumbers, Cheese, Nuts, Green Onions, Celery, and Carrots. These add so much to a salad, whether it is sweet or not.

1 large head of Romaine lettuce
1-2 cups spinach
1 lb strawberries, sliced
1 large apple, chopped (toss in lemon juice, so it doesn't turn brown)
1 English cucumber, chopped in quarters
1 orange bell pepper, chopped
4 green onions, chopped
zest of 1-2 limes
1 box raisels (sugar coated raisins) optional
1 cup sliced almonds, caramelized (optional)
Poppyseed dressing

1st. If you want to caramelize your nuts: In skillet, over medium to medium-low heat, add 2-3 Tbs of Canola Oil or Vegetable Oil and 1/4 cup sugar to your 1 cup nuts. Stir and cook until sugar crystallizes and nuts turn golden. Be careful and watch your nuts, you don't want them to get too dark or burn. Stir occasionally. Remove and let cool.

2nd. Add your lettuce and spinach to bowl.

3rd. Add your chopped fruits and veggies on top of lettuce. Zest lime over chopped veggies. Add your raisels (my kids wanted to try the raisels, not something I would normally buy, but they tasted good in the salad) and almonds.

4th. *This is important...Toss very lightly: your chopped veggies with lettuce. Only toss with the top layer of lettuce. The reason why, because if you toss it all together...then all your chopped veggies and what I call "the good stuff" will fall to the bottom of your bowl. And 1. it will be hard to get to "the good stuff" and 2. it doesn't look as pretty.

Serve with Poppyseed Dressing. This salad tastes better than candy! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

What a great way to serve fruits and vegetables! This is something a little different that I think my family will enjoy. Thanks for blogging, Nicole!

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