I'm Nicole. Cooking, Baking, Food...love it all. I enjoy making it and eating it! This is me...I love to have fun, be happy, ask lots of questions and laugh.
Cooking for me is creativity. Unlike the washing the dishes, making food is rewarding and enjoyable. I have a passion for eating healthy. Although I love some sweet treats now and again. Or everyday. Some of my favorites are Homemade Larabars or 3 Part-Pull Aparts. *More of my favorites below.
How I cook:
I don't cook from a box. I don't like processed food. I like to know what is in my food. I have a love for vegetables and salads. I eat about 90% plant based food. When I eat healthy, I feel better.
Favorites & Loves:
Not in any particular order: Cooking, baking, crafts of all sorts, sewing, swimming, church, painting, scrapbooking, making jewelry, random excited thoughts & remarks, cards, dancing, pushups, color, life....etc. I love oodles of things :)
I love a good musical. Dancing in the rain. Exercising. I like to make people laugh. I love the beach. Sleeping. Hot showers, Cold pool. All four seasons. No spiders.
Most Important:
What comes first. Faith (I am LDS and LOVE it!), Family...4 kids. I have the best husband! Time spent well is with family and friends.
I love to take pictures. Memories.
I'm Nicole. Cooking, Baking, Food...love it all. I enjoy making it and eating it! This is me...I love to have fun, be happy, ask lots of questions and laugh.
I don't cook from a box. I don't like processed food. I like to know what is in my food. I have a love for vegetables and salads. I eat about 90% plant based food. When I eat healthy, I feel better.
I enjoy making everything from scratch. EVERYTHING. It doesn't take long. I just crank up my music...dance and talk to my food while I cook. It makes the time fly by!
Favorites & Loves:
Not in any particular order: Cooking, baking, crafts of all sorts, sewing, swimming, church, painting, scrapbooking, making jewelry, random excited thoughts & remarks, cards, dancing, pushups, color, life....etc. I love oodles of things :)
I love a good musical. Dancing in the rain. Exercising. I like to make people laugh. I love the beach. Sleeping. Hot showers, Cold pool. All four seasons. No spiders.
2 places in my house I spend most: Kitchen and Craft Room. Easily.
What comes first. Faith (I am LDS and LOVE it!), Family...4 kids. I have the best husband! Time spent well is with family and friends.
I love to take pictures. Memories.
*My favorite foods. As a kid, Lasagna and Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice...was a MUST! The quickest way to win my heart is to give me Orange Juice. With pulp.
I love Indian, Greek and Thai foods. Spicy & Hot! Oh ya!
I could never live without all types of Salads, Water, Lemons, Fresh Bread & Coconut.
Here are some other favorites of mine...
Favorite spices: Cinnamon, Tumeric, Cayenne, and Cilantro. Not together, although I am not opposed to trying...actually those all might blend well in some Indian dishes. And all sorts of fresh herbs. Yum.
I teach kids how to cook, once a month. They are all great chefs! Cooking can be a lost art. Life gets to busy sometimes. It is so much fun to teach the kids. You can find all the recipes we make in "Kid's Kitchen".
To the Viewer & Nicole's 4 Rules:
Rule #1: Taste. Taste. Taste. Always try something BEFORE you serve it. That way you can tell if it needs a little extra spice etc.
Rule #2: If you fail, burn something or break something. DON'T GIVE UP. Without failure, you won't have success. Don't be afraid to try something again if it fails the first time. Guarantee it will be better next time.
Rule #3: If you make something and it doesn't quite turn out the way it is supposed to. Give it a different name, call it something else and Wha-la...it's Fantastic!! For example, you are making fudge and it is not firm enough, you have now successfully made frosting!! :D
Rule #4: Love your food. If you LOVE your food, it will love you back. It really is quite simple, by loving your food it will turn out better, taste better and be better for you if your attitude about what you are eating is good. You are what you eat, so make it GREAT!
Visit often. Let me know what you think, and have fun cooking.
And when you taste your food, if it makes your taste buds dance...then it spreads to your fingers and toes and you break out in a full on dance production~YOU have done well!
Thanks for stopping by! And Bon Appetit.
Contact me at: Coles.Creations@live.com
I make lists, for almost everything. I love my calendar! Without my calendar, my brain might possibly overload!
A Credit to my Parents:
To my mom, thanks for always letting me taste. The second my mom started making the sauce to lasagna (one of my faves), I was in the kitchen like a moth to a flame. One summer, as a kid my mom said to me "Nicole I am going to teach you how to cook". My reply "Mom, I already know how". Thanks Mom.
To my Dad, thanks for the adventure in food. My Dad would dip French Bread in Orange Juice (another fave) and eat Ice cream with cereal, popcorn and whatever else he could find...all in a bowl, then pour over the milk. My husband later wondered why I ate ice cream for breakfast. "That is strange", he said. Later he saw my Dad eating ice cream for breakfast. It all made sense. Thanks Dad.
*My favorite foods. As a kid, Lasagna and Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice...was a MUST! The quickest way to win my heart is to give me Orange Juice. With pulp.
I love Indian, Greek and Thai foods. Spicy & Hot! Oh ya!
I could never live without all types of Salads, Water, Lemons, Fresh Bread & Coconut.

Favorite spices: Cinnamon, Tumeric, Cayenne, and Cilantro. Not together, although I am not opposed to trying...actually those all might blend well in some Indian dishes. And all sorts of fresh herbs. Yum.
I teach kids how to cook, once a month. They are all great chefs! Cooking can be a lost art. Life gets to busy sometimes. It is so much fun to teach the kids. You can find all the recipes we make in "Kid's Kitchen".

To the Viewer & Nicole's 4 Rules:
Rule #1: Taste. Taste. Taste. Always try something BEFORE you serve it. That way you can tell if it needs a little extra spice etc.
Rule #2: If you fail, burn something or break something. DON'T GIVE UP. Without failure, you won't have success. Don't be afraid to try something again if it fails the first time. Guarantee it will be better next time.
Rule #3: If you make something and it doesn't quite turn out the way it is supposed to. Give it a different name, call it something else and Wha-la...it's Fantastic!! For example, you are making fudge and it is not firm enough, you have now successfully made frosting!! :D
Rule #4: Love your food. If you LOVE your food, it will love you back. It really is quite simple, by loving your food it will turn out better, taste better and be better for you if your attitude about what you are eating is good. You are what you eat, so make it GREAT!
Visit often. Let me know what you think, and have fun cooking.
And when you taste your food, if it makes your taste buds dance...then it spreads to your fingers and toes and you break out in a full on dance production~YOU have done well!
Thanks for stopping by! And Bon Appetit.
Contact me at: Coles.Creations@live.com